Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Botanic gardens + Urban Pooch

*tongue lolling* "So tired"
Last Saturday, Zeus had such a long day that he was flat out tired by the time he got back. Firstly he had a grooming appointment with Pet Emporium in the morning. Mummy asked Sheryl to cut Zeus's fur very short because, firstly it's more cost effective, and secondly, he has been scratching his underbelly and shorter fur will allow more visibility of ticks and insects. Two ticks were found on him after the grooming session. One in his ear and the other on his tail.

Secondly, we brought him to Urban Pooch for lunch since it was near Pet Emporium. Alas it was a disappointment, very contrary to what Shirley Ngo from CNNGO reported. The place was empty except for us, and there were only a few measly parking lots outside, and none in the building.

We chose to sit outdoors because the inside was so depressing, and it smells a little.

They had a separate unit which acts as a daycare facility for dogs, it is quite spacious, definitely more so than Petopia, with an upper ledge for dogs to lounge and lower ground for dogs to view people, and vice versa.

spacious doggy day care facility (all the dogs are actually below, but my camera can't catch them all)
However, the place stank, there's a really purid smell of urine when you enter the room, and all the dogs are frenzied and some of them look in pretty bad condition. Zeus didn't know what to do about the urine stench, so he peed outside the unit, near the door. Naughty boy!

Day care rates: $2, $2.50, & $3 an hour for S, M, & L breeds
Anyway, if you're wondering why are there so many dogs, it's because their doggy day care rates are a bargain!

Anyway, we ordered Zeus some meatballs, but they were too big so mummy had to mash them up. Do you see the blue scarf Zeus is wearing? That's courtesy of Sheryl from Pet Emporium, so sweet yeah? :)

Anyway, the food wasn't that great. It was okay, Daddy didn't like it, mummy thought that it was pre-packaged and then heated up. As for Zeus, well he eats anything.

Anyway, since it wasn't a very nice place, we brought him to Botanic Gardens to meet up with the rest of his family.

"Can I chew on this arm?"
Doesn't his body look skinny and long after grooming? People think we don't feed him enough, but actually he eats a lot.
"I don't understand why Daddy keeps carrying me to the mat when I wanna lie on the grass"
That's because Daddy doesn't want you to get ticks all over yourself again! And you've just been groomed.

"I'm on the grass again! There are only so many times you can move me! Hehe"

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